YWAM History
A True Pioneering Adventure
Loren Cunningham graduated from college. With a ministry plan that would send young people out after high school to gain a sense of purpose in becoming co-workers with Jesus. It would welcome all Christians no matter what their denomination. He started that organization, Youth With A Mission, by the end of the year. Two years later, Loren married Darlene Scratch. Together, they are viewed as co-founders of YWAM today.
While visiting former students in Western Colorado, Loren was sitting in the back of a church as a visitor. He over-heard the pastor calling a parishioner forward for prayer. The gentleman wanted to have his property used for God's purposes as a church camp or training center for young people.
Immediately, Loren sensed God's speaking to him, walked forward and said "I think this vision is maybe for me."
That was the beginning of a series of events that led to the formation of Youth With A Mission of Colorado, being pioneered by Charlie and Janice Green.
This property and base is indeed a legacy in
Youth With A Mission.

In July, Summer of Service (now SST) students helped build the root cellar and laid the water pipe lines.
'70s -'80s
Through '77 to '83 family camps and SST was regularly held here as summers even to this day was always busy.
The first DTS was held here on July 1st.

Welcome to the Mountain

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