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About Our Base
YWAM Colorado is located in a beautiful forest at 8,600 feet on the western slope of the Colorado Rockies. 11 miles south of US 50, and 28 miles from the town of Montrose. Our campus is set on 75 acres of heavily wooded land and bisected by Coal Creek. The neighboring mountain peaks make for gorgeous views all year round. We are almost completely self sustaining, and generate over 80% of our own electricity using a water-powered generator. Our heating is powered by gas, coal boiler, and wood-stoves.
Each season brings a different beauty that demonstrates Gods creation. During the Winter months we live in a beautiful winter wonderland, with constant snow on the ground. We have amazing hills for sledding, trails for snowshoeing, and wonderful snowy mountain views. The Spring and Summer are short, but absolutely gorgeous. Wildflowers are everywhere, the deer and elk start to come back up to the mountain as the sun melts the snow. Autumn is our favorite season. The Aspen trees paint the landscapes with intense yellow, orange, and reds. The elk call often, and the stars are breathtaking.
At YWAM Colorado, we offer many ministries throughout the year, including DTS (Discipleship Training School) TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), and our unique Isaiah Ministry. For anyone who visits, all year round, we offer a place of rest and peace.

Your Mountain Family


Campus Cats

Your Mountain Family

To Know God and make Him known.
To send out people to the nations
To be a resting place for the Isaiah's of the World
To be a place of refuge in times of national distress

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